Sep 2Liked by Petey Bingham, Ph.D.

Bring on the nerdy.

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Haha! Yes! Let's go!

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Sep 2Liked by Petey Bingham, Ph.D.

This deserves something more than a ❤️. Looking forward to the rest!

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Very kind! Can't wait!

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Sep 3Liked by Petey Bingham, Ph.D.

Loved your message on Sunday. Appreciate your 'breaking it down' approach and look forward to getting your words.

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Thank you so much, Eric! That is very kind!

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Sep 3Liked by Petey Bingham, Ph.D.

Thanks Pastor. These are some great recommendations…Like you, I can watch videos and have people explain the meaning of off sides in soccer, and I still don’t get it. The same is true with some parts of the Bible. When I first started studying the Bible in depth, I realized quickly there was so much I didn’t know or understand. After 5 years of spending a couple hours a day in it, there is still so much I don’t understand. Prayer and the Holy Spirit’s knowledge, understanding, and wisdom prior to reading has helped me see and understand things that otherwise I would have missed.

I really like what you said about community. I first started studying the Bible when friend began sending me her verse of the day. I started doing something that I continue to do to this day. I take the verse, study its context, the verses proceeding and following it, the original Hebrew or Greek words that were used, other verses that relate to it, other Bible versions of the verse, and how some biblical scholars interpreted the verse. I look at some internet sites such as Bible Reference, Enduring Word, Got Questions and others I feel give good explanations. I then write a few paragraphs of how I interpret the verse and send it back to her.

Also, I find it helpful to do Bible plans with others…I try to do at least 2 at any given time…one with my prayer partner (short 5 to 14 day plans) and another with some of those I serve with (we are currently doing the 365 day Bible Recap with Tera Leigh Cobble).

Looking forward to hearing more on this subject! ❤️🙏🏼

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Yes, sir! This is amazing! Thank you so much for this--we will dive into a lot of this throughout the next series of posts! I love the "doing plans with others" aspect. Learning in community is such an essential part of spiritual growth!

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Can you tell how to make a recommendation on substack?



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Yes! If you go to the main settings of your Substack, there is a section titled "recommendations." You add the Substacks you'd like to recommend, and it will be added to your main page. I hope this helps!

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